Photo credit: Vincent Sit

Founder and host of #impact, a bi-weekly podcast that focuses on people who are driving social change in Hong Kong.

6 years in Hong Kong

Your voice matters. Use it to make an impact.

I moved to China right after my graduation in Chinese Studies, working in the social impact sphere. But one of my childhood dreams was to be a radio host, and that was a dream that never left me. I was finally able to explore that when I moved to Hong Kong. I started listening to more podcasts about finding your way, finding your passion. I was freelancing at the time and I met a lot of start-up founders who truly inspired me. And here I am, with more than a hundred episodes on air. My podcast has been featured in HK Tatler, SCMP, Sassy Hong Kong, and I’ve even spoken at a local TEDx event. It’s been a beautiful journey around social impact and sustainability in the city I now call home.

Moving abroad gave me a better understanding of my identity, Viennese and Austrian cultures, and the world in general. I love Hong Kong, but sometimes I miss some of the things that I used to take for granted back in Austria, such as Gemütlichkeit. There’s a lot of pressure in Hong Kong society to perform well, to have a good job with good pay, but we could also learn to be more content with what we have. We could have a little more Gemütlichkeit – feelings of warmth, friendliness, and good cheer, of coziness and contentment, and an ability to just savour and enjoy the present moment.

修畢中國研究課程後,我便移居中國並從事社會影響方面的工作。當電台主持人是我從小到大的夢想,在我移居香港後,機緣巧合下終於有機會初嘗廣播的滋味。我開始收聽更多有關尋找個人發展方向和生命熱情的網路廣播。那時我是一名自由職業者,從事廣播令我遇到很多啟發我的初創企業家。由那時至今,我已主持過一百多集的網路廣播,我的廣播曾在HK Tatler、南華早報、Sassy Hong Kong播出,我亦很榮幸曾被邀請在本地TEDx活動大會上發表演講。我視香港為家,很感恩能在這地方圍繞影響社會和可持續發展方面,展開奇妙的旅程。

出國使我對自己的身份、維也納和奧地利的文化,以及整個世界有更清晰的瞭解。我愛香港,但有時會掛念一些在奧地利視為理所當然的事物,例如達到平靜安適的狀態(Gemütlichkeit)。香港社會充斥著很多無形壓力,仿佛每個人都要表現最好、擁有高薪厚職,但其實我們也可以學會珍惜自己所擁有的幸福。我們可以學習 Gemütlichkeit ——感受溫暖、友善、愉快、舒適和滿足的感覺,並且細味和享受當下。
